EUNSA es-ES OMP 60 100 familias que cambiaron el mundo <p>Editorial: EUNSA<br>Materia Empresa y gestión<br>ISBN: 978-84-313-5513-5<br>Páginas: 533<br>Formato: PDF<br>DRM No</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>El profesor y titular de la Cátedra de Empresa Familiar del IESE, Josep Tàpies, junto a Águeda Gil y Elena San Román, analiza en el libro "100 familias que cambiaron el mundo" un centenar de relatos que ofrecen lecciones aplicables a los negocios del siglo XXI. A través de casos concretos de empresas familiares de distintos países, con cientos de años de historia, nos ayudan a comprender cómo empresas familiares de diversos rubros (alimenticio, textil, siderúrgico, agrícola, etc.) nacidos entre el siglo XVIII y 1913, continúan a la vanguardia en la actualidad, gracias a su adaptabilidad, cambio permanente y carácter innovador.</p> Tàpies, Josep, San Román, Elena, Gil López, Águeda Derechos de autor 2022 EUNSA Wed, 29 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000 100 families that changed the world <p>Editorial: EUNSA<br>Materia Empresa y gestión<br>ISBN: 978-84-313-5514-2<br>Páginas: 504<br>Formato: PDF<br>DRM No</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This book aims to contribute to research on family businesses and European industrialization. We believe that through the study and analysis of the historical development of family businesses we can better understand the phenomenon of industrialization. We hope to introduce a work method that will allow for effective collaboration between economic historians and management scholars. Hence, we have briefly compiled a history of 100 long-standing European and U.S. companies. Their stories help us explore the centuries in which Europe led the international economy. Watching the trajectory of said businesses as a whole will not only help us deepen our knowledge of industrialization, but also gain insight into the role family businesses have played in such a complex process and how they have been able to adapt under continuous change. All the companies studied in this book are currently active, which refutes the notion that family businesses are a thing of the past.</p> Tàpies, Josep, San Román, Elena, Gil López, Águeda Derechos de autor 2022 EUNSA Wed, 29 Jun 2022 00:00:00 +0000